Bentley Descartes 2023

Stitch Into Mesh

Used to stitch two or more shapes into a mesh element or two mesh elements into one mesh element.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Modeling > Mesh > Modify Meshes
  • Toolbox: Modify Meshes

Stitch Used to stitch several shapes together into a single mesh element. It can also be used to stitch two or more mesh elements into a single mesh element.
Bridge Mesh Used to stitch two mesh elements together that have a gap between the selected edges.
Note: Not recommended for overlapping mesh elements.
Merge Edge Used to merge a mesh element to another mesh element.
Note: Not recommended for overlapping mesh elements.
Boundary Segment (Not available for Stitch Mesh) If on, lets you select a segment of a boundary. If off, the entire boundary is used.