OpenPaths Help

Command line errors

The user may wish to run Analyst Drive from the command line for situations where the program encounters a problem that may cause it to crash from a yet unknown issue. The output window in Cube Application Manager will close and no error reporting mechanism will be provided since upon a crash event with an unknown error no signal is provided to the system (see Application Manager errors above). From the command line however, important information may be displayed about the crash which may shed light on the issue.

If the user wishes to contact Citilabs Support (, it is useful to provide them with a full report of statements printed to the command line. Such a report can be easily generated by redirecting the program output to a file instead of the command shell. To do this, you could for example simply run the command

C:\{installation path to CUBE}\ANALYST_DRIVE.exe Control_File.CTL > run.out

This will redirect the output to the file 'run.out' in the current directory from which the shell command was executed. When doing this, the user will not see any output in the command shell while the program is running. Running from the command line also allows the program to produce traceback information that can notify developers of the place in the source code where errors may have occured occurred. If the program crashes the user should see an error appear in the command shell with the traceback information. Taking a screenshot of this error message and submitting it to general support with the run.out file can be very helpful in this situation.