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This table defines the standard vehicle model for TLN trips.

Commodity group code. This field is one of the two fields that make up the table’s primary key. The value must correspond with a commodity group defined in table Model.COGR-Info.

Distance class. This field is one of the two fields that make up the table’s primary key. The distance classes are defined in table Model.DistanceClassVcl.

Average load per vehicle (tons) for TLN, long-haul trucks.

This is a scaling parameter for the modelling of empty return trips being made by TLN, long-haul trucks.

Proportion of TLN, short-haul trucks which are light.

Average load per vehicle (tons) for TLN, light, short-haul trucks.

This is a scaling parameter for the modelling of empty return trips being made by TLN, light, short-haul trucks.

Average load per vehicle (tons) for TLN, heavy, short-haul trucks.

This is a scaling parameter for the modelling of empty return trips being made by TLN, heavy, short-haul trucks.