OpenPaths Help

Manage Table Fields

Table Editor allows different field operations which vary depending of the file type (.dbf,.csv, tables in CUBE database (.sqlite)).

To access field information in a table :

  1. Select the Fields section in Table Editor toolbar

  2. Fields window will open where you can view table field names, their field type as well as width and precision (only available for dbf files).

    Note: For .csv files field types will be defined by default as double precision real type or string when first opening a csv file. Field type will be then saved in a .csvt file located in the same location as the original file. Changes for field type can be done directly in csvt file.
    Tip: If changes are done outside CUBE for csv file. Remove .csvt file before reopening .csv file in CUBE to reset the field types to default ones. If needed change field types in .csvt file and reload table in CUBE.

To add a new field in a table

  1. Select the Fields option in Table Editor toolbar
  2. Type in the new Field Name
  3. Select the Field type from the listed ones

  4. For .dbf files provide the width and precision of field
  5. Select +Add Field
  6. Field will be added Field window table and to actual table

To rename a field through table:

  1. Double-click on the field header of field you want to rename

  2. Type in new field name
  3. Hit Enter
  4. Field will be renamed

To rename a field through Field window:

  1. Select the Fields option in Table Editor toolbar
  2. Double-click on field name you want to rename

  3. Type in new field name
  4. Hit Enter
  5. Field will be renamed in Field list and table

To remove a field:

  1. Select the Fields option in Table Editor toolbar
  2. Click on the X symbol next to the details of field you wish to remove

  3. Click Yes in confirmation dialog
  4. Field will be removed from table