OpenPaths Help

Data Editing

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It is possible to edit individual cells in Table Editor:

  1. Double-click on the cell you want to edit.
  2. Click on the “X” to clear the cell content

  3. Type in the new value
Note: CUBE does not allow to write data with a different data type than that of the field.

After making changes you can:

  • Click on the Commit Changes symbol or click on the drop-down and select the option to save or commit to data changes in the file.

  • Click on the Revert Changes option to undo all the changes done since values were last saved.

    Note: Once you commit to changes you cannot revert or undo the action.
  • Click on the redo symbol to go back to the last undone change

    Tip: Use the CTRL+ Y shortcut to redo
  • Click on the undo symbol to go back to the last recorded change

    Tip: Use the CTRL+Z shortcut to undo
  • Click on the refresh symbol to reload the data from the disk.