OpenPaths Help

Enhancements to Flow

  • Edit toggle
    • Flow now has an Edit toggle in the top right corner of a flow. When enabled, the user may edit (add or remove) flow items such as parameters and procedures, as before.

    • When the Edit toggle is disabled, the flow is now displayed in a simplified representation, which protects from inadvertent changes. Only the parameters with optionally added titles and/or notes will be visible. When Edit is disabled, it is only possible to:
      • Edit parameter values
      • Run the complete flow
      • Copy the flow for use in another flow
      • Import and export parameter values.
    • The example below shows the appearance of an example workflow with the Edit toggle disabled.

    • When clicking the Edit toggle on or off, Flow will prompt the user to save changes, if any were made.
    • When the flow is closed, the state of the Edit toggle is preserved (on or off). The next time the flow is opened, it will open in the view in which it was closed (edit or simplified view).
  • Enhancements to Flow parameters : The following enhancements have been made to parameters in a flow:
    • Parameters of type Boolean, Integer, Float, String and List now accept an optional title and note, which are visible only when the Edit toggle is disabled. If no title or note has been defined, the parameter name appears.

    • A new parameter type is now available for flows. The Documentation parameter type accepts Markdown snippets and is useful to add context to flows in the simplified view.

    • The String parameter now offers three new input types in addition to Text box or Drop-down, File, Directory and Save file. When any of these are used, a Browse button will be available to the user to select the file or directory in a file explorer.

  • Support for organizing flows in directories: Flow now includes new options to create, rename and delete directories and sub-directories which makes it easy to organize flows.
    • To create a new directory, click the new folder icon next to the Create Flow in the Flows section in the sidebar.

    • To create a sub-directory, click the ellipsis next to an existing directory and select the Create directory option from the context menu.

    • To move a flow into a directory, drag-and-drop the selected flow into the directory. The flow namespace remains the same, regardless of where it is located. Similarly, directories can be dragged-and-dropped into another directory.
    • Other functionalities include renaming and deleting the directory. Note that when you delete a directory, all its contents will be deleted as well.
    • Directories and subdirectories at the same level in a hierarchy must have unique names. It is possible, however for a sub-directory and its root directory to have the same name.
  • Block line numbers are now available in exported flow specification files : Line numbers for each block are now included in flow specification files when exporting a flow, as shown in the example below. This makes it easier to find a specific block in a text editor.
        "type": "FLOW", 
        "version": "1.3.12", 
        "name": "Simple four-step travel demand model", 
        "blocks": [ 
                "line_number": 1, 
                "type": "DocumentationBlock", 
                "title": "About this flow", 
                "expanded": true, 
                "markdown_snippet": "... _\n" 
                "line_number": 2, 
                "type": "ProcedureBlock", 
                "title": "Change primary scenario", 
                "active": true, 
                "token": { 
                    "resource": "MODELLER", 
                    "namespace": "", 
                    "value": { 
                        "database": "D:/EmmeProjects/Winnipeg_Flow_4_6/Database/emmebank", 
                        "scenario": "3001" 
  • Reorder tabs in Flow : Tabs in Flow may now be re-ordered by dragging the tab to the location of your choice on the Tabs bar.

  • Datastore upgrade: With EMME 2024 the datastore version is upgraded to 1.3.12. Existing EMME datastores will require an upgrade when opening Flow for the first time in EMME 2024.