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What is OpenPaths DYNAMEQ

Traffic Simulation & Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA)

OpenPaths DYNAMEQ is a traffic simulation and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) software for transport planning and traffic management studies of virtually any size. Whether you are implementing freeway or urban congestion pricing, planning major infrastructure rehabilitation, or undertaking road improvements, transit planning or neighborhood redevelopments, OpenPaths DYNAMEQ allows you to accurately assess the related traffic and mobility impacts.

Traffic simulation that lets you see the whole picture

  • Simulates individual vehicles with car-following, lane changing, and gap acceptance models to produce realistic traffic behavior. 
  • High-performance animations provide a 3D, 360° visualization and analysis environment.
  • Production-quality video allows you to storyboard and share intuitive animations.

Rapidly develop models of any size

  • Get started quickly with importers for a range of popular transportation software and data formats.
  • Streamline model development with comprehensive network data validation and cleaning capabilities that make it easy to identify and resolve issues.
  • Develop future scenarios by synthesizing traffic signals and turning movement parameters that are adapted to future travel demand.

Calibrate your models with confidence

  • Spend less time calibrating and more time testing scenarios with fast run times and fewer calibration parameters.
  • Achieve higher calibration metrics than ever before with a proven simulation-based demand adjustment capability.
  • Generate reliable and reproducible results even for high-demand future-year scenarios

Technical Capabilities

Rapid model development

Efficiently develop model scenarios from a broad range of data sources using DYNAMEQ’s extensive library of importers and tools for data validation, editing and synthesis.

  • Wide range of importers for network and traffic control data
  • Comprehensive data validation report including warnings and errors
  • Time dependent network attributes for:
    • Vehicle class permissions on lanes and turns
    • Turn alignments
    • Link and turn capacities
    • Calibration parameters
  • Comprehensive validation tools and logic for estimating or synthesizing network attributes
  • Comprehensive Python APIs for customization, automation and modification of model inputs including network data, signal timing and traffic demand
  • Traffic signal generator for synthesizing control plans for future scenarios and optimizing detours for short term operational planning
  • Network splitting and merging tools for simultaneous multi-person network editing and development
  • Intuitive and comprehensive network editing tools to efficiently add detail and develop scenarios
  • Real-world context with out-of-the-box web basemaps or own-hosted raster tile maps

Reliable model calibration

Efficiently calibrate your model to achieve defensible model results that accurately describe the real world.

  • Proven simulation-based demand adjustment algorithm for model calibration, allowing you to achieve higher calibration statistics than ever before
  • Traffic count analysis tool to quickly identify data inconsistencies
  • Visualization and statistics for comparing model outputs to traffic data including volumes, speeds, and corridor travel times

Scalable high-fidelity traffic simulation

Develop traffic models on any scale, from small subareas to citywide and beyond.

  • Car following, lane changing and gap acceptance models with fewer parameters, making it easier to calibrate and scale
  • Multi-threaded, event-based simulation for exceptionally fast run times with speed-ups that increase with model size
  • Innovative gridlock avoidance logic keeps traffic flowing even in heavily congested scenarios and guides the user to critical bottlenecks for further investigation and review

Fully featured to handle all your applications

A full range of simulation and assignment features for short term operational planning and long-term forecasting.

  • Assess the impacts of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV)
  • Traffic control options for Transit System Priority/Pre-emption (TSP)
  • Lane-based network for modelling smart corridors and reserved lanes
  • Flexible generalized cost functions for integrating standard route choice attributes and tolls
  • Comprehensive Python APIs providing full support for complex tolling schemes, demand adjustment, post processing model results, ramp metering and other adaptive management measures
  • Warm-start assignment to quickly test a broad range of future scenarios
  • Industry-leading, multi-threaded, multi-class DTA algorithm for fast convergence and reduced run times for all your applications

Comprehensive and customizable outputs, charts and analytics

Use powerful visualization tools to understand traffic movements in detail and improve planning decisions.

  • Comprehensive outputs for road segments, lanes, turning movements and intersections with dedicated customizable worksheets for visualization and comparison between DTAs and scenarios
  • Speed contour maps for assessing temporal traffic patterns on freeways and corridors
  • Built-in network aggregation for computing total intersection approach delay
  • Flexible select-link analysis and visualization
  • Traversal matrix calculation with temporal profile adjustment at external gates
  • Sub-area export to external scenarios for detailed analysis
  • Visualization of O-D paths with on-the-fly calculation of related metrics such as toll revenue and generalized cost
  • Interactive tool for computing corridor travel times and costs
  • Export of link-based or continuous time vehicle trajectories for post processing and visualization
  • Broad range of standard O-D results with dedicated worksheets for visualization and analysis
  • Matrix skims for feedback to demand models

Large-scale interactive animation

Produce large-scale animations to get detailed, comprehensive insights about traffic movements.

  • High-performance visualization at the individual vehicle level across the entire model
  • Instantaneous fast-forward / rewind allows you to quickly see and replay any part of the animation
  • Interactive tools to visualize vehicle paths based on link, lane, or vehicle group selection

OpenPaths DYNAMEQ is only available in the OpenPaths Ultimate edition.