OpenPaths Help

Adding Nodes/Centroids

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Adding centroids vs nodes will depend on the node number used for node. Node numbers can be automatically generated or can be provided by user

To add a node in map with Automatic Node Number:

  1. Click on the Node layer in Map Layers
  2. Select Automatic Node numbering in Node Numbering drop-down

  3. Select or verify 'Nodes' option is selected in Node numbering option

  4. Click on the Node option in toolbar

    1. or Right-click in map > Node in wheel

  5. Click in map for location where you wish to position new node.
  6. Node will be added to map but will remain in edit mode, meaning you can still move it around.
  7. Save changes:
    1. Right-click in map > Accept Edits

    2. Click anywhere in map to trigger 'Save modifications' dialog

To add a centroid in map with Automatic Node number:

  1. Click on the Node layer in Map Layers
  2. Select Automatic Node numbering in Node Numbering drop-down
  3. Select 'Centroids' option is selected in Node numbering option

  4. Click on the Node option in toolbar
    1. or Right-click in map > Node in wheel
  5. Click in map for location where you wish to position new node.
  6. Node will be added to map but will remain in edit mode, meaning you can still move it around.
  7. Save changes:
    1. Right-click in map > Accept Edits
    2. Click anywhere in map to trigger 'Save modifications' dialog

To add a node/centroid with manual node numbering:

  1. Click on the Node layer in Map Layers
  2. Toggle-off Automatic Node numbering in Node Numbering drop-down

  3. Click on the Node option in toolbar
    1. or Right-click in map > Node in wheel
  4. Click in map for location where you wish to position new node.
  5. Node will be added to map but will remain in edit mode, meaning you can still move it around.
  6. Save changes:
    1. Right-click in map > Accept Edits
    2. Click anywhere in map to trigger 'Save modifications' dialog
  7. The Create Network Node window will open
  8. List of available nodes/centroids will be shown in left section depending on selection

  9. Select value from available ones or type in value for node
    Note: If typing node value when creating CUBE will verify if nodes is not in use. If node is not available an error will be shown in Status bar
  10. Click Create
  11. Node/Centroid will be created with specified value