OpenPaths Help

Select, show, hide

It is possible to control what columns and rows to display in Table Editor without altering the table.


  • Context Menu:
  1. Right click on a column/field > Columns :
    • Type the field name you want to select/unselect in Filter…

    • Scroll through the list of Field names
  2. Click on the check mark at the left of the field name to toggle between show/ hide.

  3. Click on Select All to show all the available fields.

  • Query definition tool:

The query definition tool allows you to filter and display records based on SQL-SELECT statements.

  1. Click Toolbar > Query Definition
  2. Enter condition in the text box:
  • It is possible to only display columns by editing the default SELECT statement to:
    SELECT column_name FROM table_name.
    Tip: For a complete list of field suggestions use the shortcut: CTRL+SHIFT+F


  • Query definition tool/filter:

The query definition tool, as well as the filter tool, allows you to display filtered records based on conditions set by SQL-SELECT statements. (See more in Creating table views)

The following operators can be used to set the conditions(s):

Operator Description
=, IS Equal
>,>= Greater than, Greater than or equal
<= Less than, Less than or equal
<>,!=, IS NOT Not equal
AND Displays records if all the conditions are TRUE
OR Displays a record if either of the conditions is TRUE
BETWEEN Between a range
LIKE Search for a pattern (e.g.: similar values between columns)
IN To specify multiple possible values for a column
NULL Null values

• Toggle selection:

The toggle selection tool allows to display only the rows corresponding to any cells currently selected.

  1. Click on Toolbar > Toggle selection to enable and disable the tool.