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Design concepts

CUBE Voyager is designed to be an integrated modeling system for transportation planning applications. At the heart of the CUBE Voyager system is a flexible control language referred to as a scripting language. This provides a flexible environment and grants control over all aspects of the modeling process.

The CUBE Voyager system has four main assignment programs: Network, Matrix, Highway, and Public Transport. In addition, the system offers supplementary programs for common transportation planning tasks, such as the Generation program for trip generation and the Distribution program for trip distribution. These supplementary programs provide an easy-to-use interface to the basic four programs. Users may implement any model formulation desired in the scripting language.

CUBE Voyager has no hard coded mechanisms; users are free to change and modify runs as they progress. CUBE Voyager is an excellent choice for model applications which require congestion feedback mechanisms.

Typically, transportation planning software is run as a series of independent programs, any one of which could require a relatively large amount of input control data, and consume a considerably large amount of computer resources. Some programs could execute for hours, and operate most efficiently with large amounts of RAM. A user may want to use Scenario Manager in CUBE to run many scenarios which could require running a large number of programs in successive order.

CUBE Voyager is a library of programs that employ a language that allows the user to write the script to provide instructions for performing all types of typical planning operations. The script is stored in a file and then read when the system is executed. The individual programs are activated according to the instructions in the script. Each program is designed to perform certain operations, but only as specified by the user. A typical application could involve a very complicated set of instructions, or can be as simple as computing and/or printing a number from a file. It is the user’s responsibility to design the process that is to be run.

The binary files generated by CUBE Voyager are designed to reduce disk storage requirements and reduce the amount of time spent on input/output. They have a proprietary format that can not be used by other software, but they can be translated to other formats by the user.