OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

New and Changed in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 11

New and Changed in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 11.2

This is a minor release that includes the following fixes:
  • Security Updates
  • ProjectWise Integration Improvements

New and Changed in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 11.1

This is a minor release that includes the following fixes:
  • Includes fixes and updates from MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17.2
  • Security fixes
  • Improved OPIM-PW integration for Managed Workspaces

New and Changed in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 11

The following items summarize the new features and enhancements in the current OpenPlant Isometrics Manager release.

Feature Description
Ability to Show Dual Unit (Imperial & Metric) Coordinates/Elevation Values Ability to generate dual unit (Imperial & Metric) coordinate and Elevation values in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager.
Added new Variable that points to the location of the i.dgn that is active in OPIM By default, _DGNDIR is pointing to the Projectwise location of the model file that is selected to open the PW Managed Workspace with OpenPlant Isometrics Manager. If you want to have _DGNDIR updated each time you open an i.dgn i-model from the repository, then specify


This variable is only relevant for i.dgn i-models opened from the PW repository. Not for i.dgn i-models opened from local disk locations.

Ability to define different Isoseed.dgn name for each isometric style not per Project Flexibility is given to user to define isoseed.dgn for each style as per requirement.
Ability to place Direction, Angle and Orientation of Olets Added a variable PlaceDirectionLabel in style.cfg. see To place Direction, Angle and Orientation of Olets

If the value of PlaceDirectionLabel = 1, information of OLETs will be shown in isometrics.

Option to disable Style Editor dialog for clients only You can add a new variable OPIM_DISABLE_STYLE_CONFIGURATION in Isoproj.cfg to disable the style editor for users, so only the Administrator can control the settings.
Option to set dimension values outside the dimensioning lines Added an option to handle dimension position of values and allows all values to place outside the dimension lines.
Improvements in Dimension Text Alignment

Readability of vertical dimensions are improved

Improvement in Isometric Triangular dimension for Eccentric Reducer on inclined line Introduced a new config variable UseAbsLineDir which allows user to calculate triangular dimension for eccentric reducer on inclined line based on ports location. By default, triangular dimensions are calculated based on effective lengths of the components.
Option to use the flat dms folder structure when using PW managed workspace Added OPIM_PW_MANAGEDWORKSPACE_RUN_SHADOWCONFIGURATION

configuration variable, once set to 1, lets you run OpenPlant Isometric Manager in ProjectWise native dmsxxx folder format. By default, the variable is not set, and the application will create workspace folder hierarchy tree like the local configuration. see To use the flat dms folder