OpenRail Designer Help

Profile Creation

Various tools to define vertical profiles for horizontal alignments.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Geometry > Vertical > Profile Creation
  • Ribbon: Site Layout > Vertical > Profile Creation

Profile Creation Option

Settings Description
Profile From Surface
Allows you to generate a profile whose elevations are determined by draping onto a surface.
Quick Profile From Surface
Allows to generate a profile of a civil horizontal element by draping it onto a surface (terrain model, a mesh, or a mesh solid).
Project Profile To Element
Allows you to show one element's profile in the Profile View of another element.
Project Profile Range To Element
Allows you to show a portion of one element's profile in the profile space of another element.
Project Extended Profile
Allows you to show, in an element's profile view, the profiles of adjacent elements.
Project Intersection Point
Allows you to indicate in a Profile View where one element crosses another.
Project Boring Locations
Allows you to show a boring location in the profile.