OpenSite Designer Help

Item Types

An item type is a set of properties used to describe an element. You can create Item Types and attach the items to objects or elements within a DGN file from a feature definition or by manually assigning them to an element or group of elements. In OpenRoads, OpenRails, and OpenSite Designer, the item type can contain information based on Civil properties. After the item type is placed on an element, the item type data is displayed in the Properties dialog along with the other properties of the object or element.

The Item Types dialog allows you to create and manage item types.

Item Types dialog

Item Types can be used to store a myriad of information and data about the element in the form of properties. Following are some instances where Item Types can be used:

  • Items can be attached to a model within a cell library; every time that model is placed as a cell, the attached items are copied to the new cell.
  • Items can be attached to an element template; every time the element template is used, a copy of the template's items is attached to the new element.
  • The properties in Item Types can be used to label, report, or change the display of the elements or objects.

In Civil items, types will be predominantly stored as part of the feature definition. For example, if you place the "Road_curb_back" featured linear element it will have basic item types attached automatically.


you can then set these to various pay items or define a referenced alignment via key in so that station offset is automatically calculated.


The Attach Item tool allows you to attach an item to an element.

Attach Item types dialog


The Detach Item tool allows you to detach an item from an element.

Detach Item types dialog

Pick List

Used to define Picklists. A Picklist is a set of values associated with an item type property definition. Picklists can have text, numbers, and integers as values.

Picklists dialog


Allows you to import or export the item types.

Import dialog

Export dialog