OpenSite Designer Help

Analyze Catchment

Used to calculate the drainage/catchment areas from the surface.

You can access this tool from the following:

Analyze Catchment

Ribbon: Terrain > Analysis > Hydraulic> Analyze Catchment


Note: It is recommended to place a fence around the area where the catchment area is to be calculated to reduce the amount of time it takes. Additionally, the Catchment area element is 2D, so it is recommended that the command be run in a 2D model.
  1. Select the Analyze Catchment as shown in the above image.
  2. Locate the terrain model in the dgn file as below.

    Locate Terrain Model

  3. Uncheck the Display All Catchments and Select the feature definition for the catchment.

    Compute Catchment Window

    The Display All Catchment box displays all catchments on the terrain model, whereas if it's not selected, it only displays the catchment chosen by the user.

  4. Select the required catchment and then the function creates a line string passing through all the data points for that catchment as shown below.