OpenSite Designer Help

Create 3D by Plan Profile By Range

Used to create a 3D element from a portion of a profile line.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Model Detailing > 3D Tools > 3D Elements split button

The Additional 3D by Plan Profile tool creates a 3D element from a portion of a profile line. The portion is defined by specifying a start distance and end distance, measured in master units from the beginning of the horizontal geometry element. The start distance of the beginning point of the element is 0.0 unless stationing has been assigned. If stationing is assigned, it is used in the start and end distance fields.

Prerequisite: Your active file must include both a Plan View and a Profile View to employ this tool. The reference element must have an active profile, however, another profile may be selected within the tool.

Entering a value and activating the check toggle locks the value.

Workflow: To Create Additional 3D Element by Plan Profile

  1. Select the Additional 3D by Plan tool.

  2. In the Tool Settings, set the Feature Definition and Name.

  3. Move the cursor into the plan view and follow the heads-up prompts:

    Heads-up Prompt

    User Action

    Locate Plan Element

    Graphically select the element to be used as the reference element for the 3D element. If the element does not have vertical geometry, a message is displayed and no element is created.

    Start Distance

    Graphically define (based on the dashed line perpendicular to the reference element) the beginning point for the 3D element. The distance (station) can also be keyed in and locked. Pressing <ALT> on the keyboard defaults and locks the start distance to the beginning of the element, which is 0.

    End Distance

    Graphically define (based on the dashed line perpendicular to the reference element) the end of the 3D element. The distance (station) can also be keyed in and locked. Pressing <ALT> on the keyboard defaults and locks the end distance to the end of the element.

    Locate Profile - Reset for Active Profile

    Move the cursor into the Profile View and data point on the desired profile element.

    The 3D element is drawn into the active file using the Feature Definition symbology.