OpenTunnel Designer CONNECT Edition Help

Create Cut Fill Volumes

Used to calculate cut and fill volumes between two surfaces, usually an existing a terrain and a surface (terrain or mesh) and creates a 3D mesh solid with volume attributes.

You can access this tool from the following:

  • Ribbon: Terrain > Analysis > Volumes split button

The Create Cut and Fill Volumes tool calculates cut and fill volumes between two surfaces, usually an existing a terrain and a surface (terrain or mesh) and creates a 3D mesh solid with volume attributes. Vertical edges are drawn from the Design Surface to the Existing Surface and the volume (in master units) of the closed solid is calculated. Note the design surface may be noncontiguous, in which case, one mesh solid is created for all areas. Highlighting any one piece of the solid highlights all pieces. The volumes can be viewed in Quick Properties (accessed from the context sensitive menu) or Element Information.

This tool is also useful for visualizing earthwork, top mesh, and bottom mesh.

Practical applications include construction sequencing and staging.

Quick Properties

Accessed from the context sensitive menu by right-clicking on any volume object, the volume for all pieces of the fill or cut volume are displayed. The surface area and feature definition information is also displayed. An optional description may be entered.

Element Information