ProjectWise Explorer Help

Using ProjectWise Session File Manager

ProjectWise Session File Manager lets you manage the ProjectWise documents that are currently open in AutoCAD.

When you open a ProjectWise document into integrated AutoCAD, the document is automatically added to the list of open documents in ProjectWise Session File Manager. When you open a ProjectWise document that has references, ProjectWise Session File Manager also lists the ProjectWise reference documents that are copied out to your working directory. Any documents you open from the file system will not be listed in ProjectWise Session File Manager, nor will any references attached from the file system. Once you close a master document, it is removed from the ProjectWise Session File Manager window along with its references.

Open ProjectWise Session File Manager

Select one of the following:

  • Ribbon: ProjectWise > Tools > Session File Manager
  • Menu: ProjectWise > Session File Manager
  • ProjectWise Toolbar: Session File Manager

Change the Way Documents Are Listed (Flat List View or Reference View)

  • To display documents in a flat list view, click the Session files icon in the upper right corner if the Session File Manager window. You can then filter the list to show any combination of documents that are currently checked out, copied out, and/or exported in this session. Also you can sort the list of documents by file name, file type, or ProjectWise folder name.
  • To display reference documents under their master documents, click the Reference View icon in the upper right corner if the Session File Manager window. You can then filter the reference file hierarchy to include or exclude the display of referenced images, overlays, and inserts.

Switch the Active ProjectWise Document

  • In the Session File Manager window, double-click the document you want to activate.

Display Previews in Session File Manager

  • Click the Show Preview icon in the upper-right corner of the Session File Manager window. A preview of the selected document automatically displays at the bottom of the Session File Manager window. Click the Show Preview icon again to turn off previews.
Note: The image preview available from the Session File Manager is not the same as the thumbnail image preview on the Open Document dialog. Session File Manager gets its thumbnail image from the copy of the selected document in your local working directory, whereas the Open Document dialog gets its thumbnail image from the master copy of the document on the server (if thumbnail image display has been configured by your administrator).

See a List of Most Recently Used ProjectWise Documents

  1. Click the Recent Documents icon in the upper-right corner of the Session File Manager window. The Recent Documents view of Session File Manager becomes active, and a thumbnail image is displayed for each of the ProjectWise documents you have opened from the current session, and also those you opened from previous sessions of integrated AutoCAD.
  2. There is also a Recent Documents / Most Used Documents button which lets you rearrange the view in one of two ways. When the Recent Documents button is active, that is the default mode, as described above. When the Most Used Documents button is active, then the view is rearranged to list the same documents in the order which they are most frequently used. If you are in the Recent Documents mode and you want to switch to the Most Used Documents mode, simply click the Recent Documents button once (the name of the button changes when you click it). And if you are in the Most Used Documents mode and you want to switch to the Recent Documents mode, click the same button (now called Most Used Documents) again.
  3. As the list of recent documents grows, you can click the Clear List icon to clear the view as needed.

Check Out and Open a Copied Out External Reference Document

  1. In the Session File Manager window, select the reference document you want to check out and open.
  2. Right-click and select Open.

Open a Copied Out External Reference as Read-only

  1. In the Session File Manager window, select the reference document you want to open as read-only.
  2. Right-click and select View.

    AutoCAD creates a read-only copy of that document, and then displays that read-only copy.

Check in or update the server copy of a checked out document

  • To check in a reference document, right-click the reference document and select Check In.
  • To check in a master document, or any document that does not have references or is not referenced by another document, you must first close it by right-clicking and selecting Close, then clicking Check In when the Check In dialog opens.
  • To update the server copy, right-click the selected checked out document and select Update Server Copy.

Free a checked out document

  • To free a reference document, right-click and select Free.
  • To free in a master document, or any document that does not have references or is not referenced by another document, you must first close it by right-clicking and selecting Close, then clicking Free when the Check In dialog opens.

Locate a document in ProjectWise

  • Right-click any selected document and select Locate in ProjectWise. ProjectWise Explorer opens directly to the folder containing the selected documents.

Open the ProjectWise Properties Dialog of a Document

  • Right-click a document and select Properties.

    The Document Properties dialog opens.

Run an Audit Trail Report on a Document

  • Right-click a document and select Audit Trail.

    The Audit Trail Report dialog opens. This dialog is identical to the Audit Trail tab of the Document Properties dialog.