ProjectWise Explorer Help

Disabling Native Command Override

By editing the Windows registry you can configure ProjectWise integration to not replace existing AutoCAD commands. This is for users who need to run third party applications on top of AutoCAD that replace the standard AutoCAD commands.

  1. Open your Windows Registry Editor.
  2. Find this registry key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Bentley\ProjectWise\ProjectWise iDesktop Integration\Configuration
  3. Under that, create a new key called AutoCAD.
  4. Under the AutoCAD key, create the following string value: DoNotReplaceCommands
  5. Set the value of DoNotReplaceCommands to On.
  6. Close the Registry Editor.
Note: If the value for DoNotReplaceCommands is not set, or is set to Off, then ProjectWise integration will replace the standard AutoCAD file commands.