STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Add Meshing Region > Circular Boundary form (Mat Foundation)

Used to create circular regions, which can be used to represent slab edges in the Meshing Setup.

Opens when Mat Foundation job > Mesh Generation > Add Meshing Region > Add Circular Region is selected.

Note: Circular regions may be drawn in graphically using the Create Circular Mat Boundary tool, found in the Ribbon toolbar .

Select a unit of length for all coordinates and lengths.

X / Z Coordinate at center

Specify coordinates for X,Z, which is the center of the circular region when viewed in plan (View From Top in the Trans Rotate toolbar). This locates the circular region in plan.


Specify the radius to define the size of the circular region.

Y Level

Specify an elevation (Y coordinate for all points in the circular region).

Add Region

Creates a meshing region in the job. The new region will be displayed in a light blue outline in the View window.