STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Block Loading

Used to specify vibrating machine loads (static and dynamic values).

Units Select units of Length, Force, and Moment for use on this page.
Machine Locations Type X, Y, and Z distances from the reference point to the point of action (CG) of each machine.
Dynamic Loading Input Select the method used to input dynamic machine loads. Direct input of supplied load or program generated loads are available.
  • Direct Loading – Select this method to input load supplied by an equipment manufacturer.
  • Eccentricity – (Rotary machines only) Based on machine unbalance provided by the manufacturer, the unbalanced force is calculated per ACI351.3R-04 clause 3.2.2 equations 3-3 and 3-4.
  • Empirical Method – For rotary machines with no unbalance information provided, the unbalance force is calculated per ACI 351.3R-04 clause 3.2.2 equation 3-7.

    For reciprocating machines, the primary and secondary loads are calculated per ACI 351.3R-04 clause The primary force parallel to the piston movement is generated based on equation 3-20 and the primary force perpendicular to piston motion is calculated per equation 3-19. Secondary force, which is only present parallel to piston movement, is calculated by equation 3-21.

Machine Eccentricity (e) (For Eccentricity loading only) Type the eccentricity for each machine in the selected units (which may be different than the primary unit of length used elsewhere on this page).
Note: Table ANSI/ASA S2.19 is available by clicking on the Machine buttons.
Dynamic Forces (For Direct Loading only) Specify the dynamic force for each machine, if supplied.
Machine Rotating Weight Type the weight of each machine while in use, in the selected units of Force.
Machine Reciprocating Weight (Reciprocating machine only) Type the reciprocating weight of the machine, in the selected units of Force.
Machine Speed Type the rotating speed of each machine.
Static Weight Type the static weight of each machine or gearbox, in the selected units of Force.
Loading Parameters
Material Damping Type a damping ratio (in percent) to use for material damping of the foundation. By default, 5% material damping is used for concrete. Adjustment due to soil spring material damping is based on ACI 531.3R-04 clause 4.2.4 equation 4-23.
Number of Mode Shapes Type the number of mode shapes to use for dynamic analysis to ensure an acceptable mass participation. A larger number of mode shapes will increase the analysis time.
Consider Out of Phase Loading Set this check box to consider out-of-phase effect of dynamic loading for multiple machines operating on a combined block.