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This table stores the parameters for the trip generation model.

The trip generation model takes the form of a linear combination of the socio-economic variables. These are the coefficients for those data, including the constant term, are entered here. Ideally, these coefficients are the result of regression analyses on very large databases of trip making behavior.

The table should have one record for every combination of direction (“EmisDest”), country, and commodity group.

Commodity group code. This field is one of the three fields that make up the table’s primary key. The value must correspond with a commodity group defined in table Model.COGR-Info.

Country name. This field is one of the three fields that make up the table’s primary key. The value must correspond with a country defined in table Model.Countries.

Direction. This field is one of the three fields that make up the table’s primary key. All values are either 1 (= Emis), corresponding to productions, or 2 (= Dest), corresponding to attractions.

The constant term in the trip generation model.

There is one additional, real-valued column in table Para.GenFunPar for each row in table Model.StructureDataInfo. These are the coefficients of the corresponding socio-economic variables in the generation model.