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What's New in AGENT

AGENT, included in both EMME and CUBE, is now part of Bentley's new OpenPaths transport modeling software suite.

OpenPaths AGENT 2024 introduces major new AGENT enhancements including improvements to automated calibration, performance optimizations, ability to re-start a demand model from a previous step, and support for agent-based freight modeling with a new Firm Synthesizer and new agent types for Firms, Trucks, Truck tours and Truck trips.

See below for more details.

—The Bentley Mobility Simulation Team

Release Notes: Open Paths AGENT 2024

About OpenPaths 2024

AGENT is now distributed as part of OpenPaths, a new harmonized product brand for Bentley's multimodal transport modeling software, providing greater accessibility to both trusted transport modeling software and new technology with generational advances to support both strategic and operational transport planning.

OpenPaths must be configured to run in one of two distinct editions: OpenPaths Ultimate or OpenPaths Advanced. The edition that is selected will determine which OpenPaths applications and/or application features will be available for use. Use of AGENT features requires OpenPaths Ultimate. More information is available during installation.

To install OpenPaths 2024, download and install the OpenPaths product installer from