MicroStation Help

Home Tab

Note: Select a link to "jump" to the desired Home tab group.


  • Color
  • Opens the Active Color drop-down to set the active color, and change the colors of selected elements.
  • Line Style
  • Opens the line style drop-down to set the active line style to the line style that is chosen.
  • Line Weight
  • Opens the line weight drop-down to set the active line weight and change the line weights of selected elements.
  • Transparency
  • Opens the transparency drop-down to set the active element transparency.
  • Priority
  • Opens the priority drop-down to sets the active element priority (2D models only), which determines how an element is displayed relative to other elements.
  • Element Class
  • Opens the element class drop-down to set the active class of element on placement.


  • Explorer
  • Used to manage and control project content within MicroStation.
  • References
  • Used to attach and detach referenced models, adjust reference settings and select reference tools.
  • Raster Manager
  • Used to control the display of one or more raster images in a DGN file view.
  • Point Clouds
  • Used to manage the display of one or more point clouds in a DGN file view.
  • Reality Mesh
  • Used to attach and manipulate reality meshes.
  • Used to attach an iModel or a local .BIM file as a reference in a DGN.
  • Models
  • Used to create, manage, and switch between models in the open DGN file.
  • Level Manager
  • Used to control level display and level symbology for the open DGN/DWG file and attached references.
  • Properties
  • Used to review or modify the properties of an element(s), such as its geometry.
  • Key-in
  • Used to browse, construct, and enter key-ins.
  • Toggle AccuDraw
  • Turns on/off AccuDraw, and the display of the AccuDraw Window, which is used to facilitate data point entry.
  • Auxiliary Coordinates
  • Used to create, copy, delete, or import an Auxiliary Coordinate System (ACS) and to select ACS tools.
  • Saved Views
  • Used to create, update, apply, import, and delete saved views and edit properties of saved views. Saving a view allows you to quickly apply a view with specific attributes.
  • Cells
  • Used to attach cell libraries and activate different types of cells, if one is attached.
  • Markups
  • Used to view markups coming from older Overlay files. A markup can be annotation text, freehand redlining, pen and area highlighting.
  • Details
  • Used to display information related to what is selected in any of the tabs of the Explorer dialog.
  • Window List
  • Used to display information related to what is selected in any of the tabs of the Explorer dialog.
  • PopSet
  • Turns on/off PopSet toggle, which is used to manage the display of the Tool Settings Window while you are not adjusting its controls.


  • Bing Maps
  • Used to select the background map type.

Feature Services

  • Delete
  • Lets you delete an existing connection to a Feature Service. Applicable only when a connection is available.
  • Edit
  • Modifies the parameters of an existing connection to a Feature Service. Applicable only when a connection is available.
  • Query Features
  • Lets you query the features selected in the connection that are in the extent of the active view. Applicable only when a connection is available.

Raster Services

  • Feature Info
  • Opens the Feature Info dialog to review the feature information at the location from ArcGIS Map Services.
  • New WMS
  • Opens the WMS Map Editor dialog. The Web Map Service (WMS) is a standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This dialog allows you to create a new raster definition that will stream the imagery data from the WMS service.
  • New WMTS
  • Opens the WMTS Map Editor Dialog. The Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) is a standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This dialog allows to create a new raster definition that will stream the imagery data from the WMTS service.
  • Attach WMTS
  • Opens the Attach Raster Reference dialog. The Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) is a standard from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). This dialog allows to create a new raster definition that will stream the imagery data from the WMTS service.


  • Element Selection
  • Used to select and deselect elements for modification or manipulation. The set of selected elements is called the selection set.
  • Modify Fence
  • Used to move a fence or modify one of its vertices.
  • Manipulate Fence Contents
  • Used to move, copy, rotate, mirror, scale, or stretch fence contents, which are defined by a fence and (except for stretching) the Fence (Selection) Mode.
  • Save Fence to File
  • Used to copy or move the contents of the active fence to a new DGN or DWG file.

Item Types

  • Attach Item
  • Used to attach an item type to an element, file, model, or reference and place its properties as text in the DGN.
  • Picklist
  • Used to define Picklists. A Picklist is a set of values associated with an item type property definition. Picklists can have text, numbers and integers as values.
  • Import/Export
  • Used to export and import item type definitions and instances to and from Excel files respectively.
  • Item Types
  • Used to create custom item types and add properties to custom item types.